[teaching tools] multiplication table

I had to update and print fresh copies of our multiplication table, which reminded me that I meant to start sharing design projects you can print yourself. There’s a single chart PDF here.There’s a double chart PDF here. (This is so that you can easily print 2 per sheet for smaller charts. I tape theseContinueContinue reading “[teaching tools] multiplication table”

[shop stories] broken butterfly

[Once a week or so, I'll share the story behind an image available for purchase in my shop.]I sat on the deck for hours watching over this broken butterfly. I don't remember how many pictures I took; there were a lot. I lost the ones I didn't post to social media when my laptop crashedContinueContinue reading “[shop stories] broken butterfly”

[shop stories] tomatoes

[Once a week or so, I'll share the story behind an image available for purchase in my shop.]Y'ALL. Tomatoes might not have much scope for imagination, but the plants on my deck experience remarkable depth of field. These are amazing because they go through a sort of rainbow process – green to yellow to orangeContinueContinue reading “[shop stories] tomatoes”

[shop stories] pink blossoms

[Once a week or so, I'll share the story behind an image available for purchase in my shop.]This is one of my favorite images ever.I took the original photo in early 2011, before I had daughters, when I was almost drowning in an attempt to start a photography business and justify my stay-at-home status afterContinueContinue reading “[shop stories] pink blossoms”